I deeply believe, as I’ve shared many times on this website, that before someone can be a great leader of others, he or she must have ‘cleaned up their own…
We all have ‘core qualities’. Qualities that are so ingrained in our being, that we hardly notice them about ourselves. They come so natural to us that we really don’t…
Nelson Mandela really must be one of the biggest leaders of our time. Maybe he’s the biggest. The way he approached prison, his presidency and the quest for reconciliation in…
This post is based on the books Leading Change and Our iceberg is melting, by John Kotter In every manager’s lifetime it will happen: CHANGE. Necessary…
Why it’s important to set an example – for yourself! Be honest: Do you have any role models? People you idolize a bit (or a lot)? For years,…
I have some good news for you: You matter big time! Of course you knew that! But what I’m getting at, is that you matter big time…
Even though we may not completely approve on everything he’s done, I think Napoleon had a pretty good idea on how to delegate: When I give a minister an order,…